Gain unique, quantifiable insight into your injury and recovery.

DorsaVi is a powerful, wearable technology that measure human movement like never before! This gives me as a clinician and you as a recovering athlete or everyday individual access to usable, objective, easy to interpret motion data that can be turned into measurable results!

Create a baseline for how you’re moving after an injury, surgery or flare-up of a nagging, chronic injury. We can even intervene to assess injury risk. All this allows us to guide intervention, create smarter rehabilitation and exercise plans so you’re only doing the exercises that will get us the right results, not exercising for the sake of it!

As such, we can tailor treatment and rehabilitation to your specific needs, so that when we retest further down the line, we can quantify your results and not just assume things have improved because you’ve been sticking to your program. This is a powerful tool to track your results and maximise your rehab time because all the data is there in black and white!

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